October 7, 2015

Jane Lee had her beautiful wedding in Scranton, Pennsylvania. This was during Hurricane .. hmm.. which ever hurricane was in the beginning of October and flooded the hell out of South Carolina.  It fortunately passed the Northeast without any real damage and the weather fully cleared up into the late morning . Overcast days are better for photos anyways. ????

Please do not mind  the lighting in these photos as it is a straight up lightbulb with no cover which is why the color is off or why the images look so soft or why there is crazy shadowing and you can’t even see the darn makeup in some of them! – But I felt the need to make sure I showed all of the bridesmaids since my girl B was in the wedding party. This is why having a makeup light is SO important (yet I still need to get one- but we made it work so booya!). B figured out how to get the top off of the lamps and actually brought one into the brides room. Thank GAWD for her. In the beginning I was using my phone for light because it was so darn dark . Granted, I was still using my phone despite the lamps just to make sure I was color matching properly.  Oh the things us makeup artists have to deal with!

Enjoy! xoxo