a little about Monica
What happens when conservative Asian parents forbid their daughter from wearing makeup until late high school? She eventually becomes a makeup artist, duh 😉 / Wearing any sort of cosmetics at a young age was simply a no-no to Monica’s parents. She recalls at the age of 12, taping a piece of paper to her bedroom wall and tally marking the years till she would finally be given permission to. Her solution to getting around this? Saving cosmetic samples from magazines and applying it on the bus ride to school, making sure to take it off before getting home. Let’s just say, she never got caught. In the later years of high school, Monica was finally able to wear that beautiful hot pink lipstick paired with this colorful blue eyeshadow she so longed for, (how so much has changed). Her fascination only grew from there, paving the way for her journey as a Makeup Artist. / Monica has been an artist from the time she could remember. From art submissions to Artist of the Month, she perfected her craft through classes and filling the pages of coloring books throughout elementary school. Being an artist was in her blood, and working in the creative field seemed to be her destiny despite her parent’s dream of their daughter becoming a doctor or lawyer, (sorry Mom and Dad). There was no doubt in her mind that she would attend the Fashion Institute of Technology, where she received a BFA in Graphic Design. To say the least, the world had become her canvas. With a degree in Photography and Certification in Makeup Artistry, Monica continues to surround and indulge herself in the creative world.